3 Smart Moves to Make my Books Better Known and increase my book visibility to sell more books.
What are these 3 Smart Moves to Make my Books Better Known?
As an author, you currently have a large range of easy tools you can use to help having your books better known and improving their visibility, which means in a short period of time and to a broader audience. What are they? We’ll speak about three of them.
First advisable option
First, experience has shown that series are the right way to improve people’s fidelity to reading your books, rather than big books with more than 400 pages, which you edit once a year.
As you may have noticed, we currently live in a time when people like to take part in an ongoing reading adventure, which lasts and in which they feel they can get involved for a period of time. So, series are truly the best way to give them the sensation the story goes on and that they will have a follow up. If you take a quick look at series’ comments, you realise to what extent people enjoy being waiting for more, after reading the first episode. You as an author can easily give them what they are looking for, and this way, it gives you the opportunity to make your writer’s job last, which allows you to kill two birds with the same stone.
Second recommended option
Second good advice would be to have your books translated into another language, like French, for example. The French-speaking market can easily be reached if you choose a skilled translator, as you can find on this book promotion site. Experts in French literature promotion are in the best possible position to help you, because they know the book market as the back of their hand.
Third tool available
Third option is to publish your books through companies like Kobo and Fnac, which will cost you either nothing or just 49 Euros, depending on the option you choose.
Indeed, they provide a Print on Demand (POD) service for self-published authors in partnership with Bookelis. Authors who publish on the Kobo Writing Life platform can now make their titles available in paper format through the partnership with Bookelis. It will cost them nothing except to purchase a copy of their book for verification and quality control purposes before making their book available in bookstores. Authors wishing to distribute the book widely in bookshops can opt for the exclusive Kobo by Fnac – Option Monde offer, which allows the book to be referenced in more than 10,000 French-speaking bookshops in France and abroad for just €49.
Moreover, there is no exclusivity required, which means that you can also publish in Amazon or another publishing house. The only condition is to use KWL (Kobo Writing Life). The POD Kobo offer by Fnac combines the strength of the two online bookstores Kobo and Fnac for ebook sales, and brings to authors the power of the Fnac store network for printed book sales. That’s the first time it’s being done.